Front yard garden plants

June 18, 2016
Design - Front Yard
On your way home from work, stop and grab a salad. And hey, grab a bouquet of flowers, too. No need to go to the grocery store. Pick them up on your way in the front door. Pick them from your front yard.

Growing your own food is appealing. The sunniest part of your yard is the best place to grow vegetables. If that place happens to be your front yard, donÕt let that stop you. Plants are beautiful. Why not choose edibles?

Vegetables, planted with the same principles youÕd use for perennial flowers, are both attractive and productive.

ÒIf youÕre wanting an edible landscape in your front yard, plant smaller things in front. Plant taller longer-season veggies in back, Ó said Patrick Rodysill of Star Apple Edible Gardens in San Francisco.

Tomatoes are an example of a longer-season plant. When creating a border, think of the mechanics of maintaining an edible garden, he said.

ÒAt the front of the border, youÕll be harvesting and replanting more frequently so your plants will be easier to access there, Ó said Rodysill, ÒTuck in marigolds. They will attract beneficial insects. Add herbs or irises, and lavenders. Arrange it all as you would a perennial border. Ò

Use the front of the border to successively seed. LetÕs take lettuce for example. If you plant patches of lettuce every couple of weeks, the lettuces will mature at different times and youÕll have a continual supply of lettuce.

ÒRadishes are such a great bang for the buck. They germinate in a day and are ready to harvest in a week, Ó said Rodysill.

Starting a front yard vegetable garden doesnÕt have to mean a lot of digging. For beginning gardeners, Rodysill suggests starting small and using a raised bed. A good option is our 4Õ by 4Õ raised bed system.

ÒInitially, start very small, Ó he said, ÒStick a tomato in one corner and a pepper in another. Because vining plants like cucumbers take up so much space, install a trellis and grow the cucumber vertically in another corner. In the last corner, youÕll have room for simple rows of lettuce, radish or beets. Add marigolds.Ó

A garden this size is easy to water by hand and maintain. But make sure of the mature size of the vegetables you plant in a small garden. Take time to draw a simple birds eye view of your front yard vegetable garden.

ÒDrawing a plan helps you create a sense of order, Ó said Rodysill, Ò Also, if you have a plan and hang onto it, you can see how it goes the first year, then note on the plan what you loved and what you didnÕt like so you know how to do it different next time. Ò
So you have a plan and youÕre starting small. But are you worried about reactions from your neighbors?

Rodysill said gardening in the front yard is a great way to get to know neighbors and educate kids.

ÒIf youÕre outside working in your garden, neighbors walk by and ask questions. ItÕs a great way to start conversations, Ó he said, ÒGardening is also a great way to start conversations about nature with kids. Dig out a worm to show them. Plant borage and show kids how many bees and butterflies you attract. Ò

He tells the story of planning a front yard edible garden for a client in an historic Victorian district of a California town. The historic board and neighbors balked at his clientÕs hope for a front yard filled with food.

RodysillÕs client explained to the board that before World War 2, front yards were used for vegetable gardens and in fact, truer to Victorian ideals. His client won his case. Now, after neighbors have seen the appeal, many others in the town have added vegetable gardens to their front yards.

We all know the feeling. YouÕre bushed and hungry at the end of the day.

ÒIf you come home wiped out after a long day, harvest a salad on your way in the door. Pick some lettuce, some mesclun and some mustard green. Pull up a carrot and an onion and you have a salad, Ó said Rodysill.


Landscaping Tips

Though your home is your castle, there is no necessity to surround it with a moat. Here are 5 tips that will help you to make your landscaping feel more warm, welcoming and cozy.

1. Put some flowers nearby your entrance. Flowers make any area look more welcoming and attractive, so greeting your guests with Petunia, Snapdragon, Lily-of-the-Nile or some other garden flowers is always a great thing to do. What is more, to add some space between your house and the entrance, you can consider adding a little white fence. It will create an illusion that your front yard is bigger than it actually is. What is more, adding fence will create a great space for planting flowers to add some color and coziness.

2. Add rambling vines to make your yard look absolutely lovely. You can not deny that rambling vines always create romantic and even magical atmosphere. So why not to use this tip while decorating your yard?

3. To hide the unattractive driveway, consider adding some color, texture, and height. You can easily do it by adding various sorts of flowers. To start, create an island of green lawn right in the hub of a drive. Then add a couple of low boxwood hedges with flowers toward the back of your island.

4. If you want your yard to blossom and flourish bust still do not have enough time to maintain it, consider planting low-fuss lilies. Such flowers look absolutely gorgeous and come in the variety of rainbow hues, so you can pick the one you love most. What is more, low-fuss lilies do not care about the sort of soil, they love the sun and welcome hot, they do not afraid of drought. In other words, Crinums is an ideal flower for all those who are looking for low-maintenance solutions.

5. The last tip also touches the low-maintenance aspect. To make your life easier, group plantings into beds and islands. This will help you to avoid mowing and trimming around each individual plant, save a lot of time and even money.

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